My Blog List

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog 4: Super, mega, ultra reflection:

 What have  you learned about writing academics so far?

 I learned that writing is a process. Before, I relied heavily on my mind to organize and produce facts. I would think about one topic and let it flow from my brain, to my pen.  It was the most comfortable way for me, but after being exposed to better writings and new techniques to gather information, I am trying to change my ways. I learned that I’m a good writer, but I have a long way to go before I am a great writer.

 Did these concepts connect with things you already know and how did you make these connections?
 I was aware of concepts like thesis, topic sentences, myths and main ideas,  but I did not know the exact definition to them. Also,  I never actually wrote a outline to a essay, clustered, or brain stormed on paper—ever.  I have not wrote a essay utilizing those techniques, but I can’t wait. I am excited to see just how much I have improved by incorporating those techniques into my writing. I now see the importance in gathering facts to present an argument.  Not just present it in a manner in which the audience will understand, but to allow the audience to come to a logical conclusion on their own by simply presenting the data in a well organized composition.

If some thing was unfamiliar, how did you approach it?
 I had never written a formal summary before. I didn’t know how to make one and the non personalized concept seemed to deviate from my writing style, but I analyzed it further and asked some more educated people about it  and I see that we humans summarize things on a daily basis. Some people describe stories in summary format, and some people only recall events from a personal perspective. Facts are the most important part of any argument, and now I see how we subconsciously use these writing techniques in our speech and everyday lives.  This has helped me achieve a greater understanding of writing as a process, and the importance of each step involved with presenting a thesis.

 What is still puzzling you about these writing concepts?

 Nothing, and if there was, we would have discussed it till I got it.

What are you not sure of regarding them?


 What did you think of your interaction with ena99? Does such interaction make blogging more meaningful to you or not?

 I enjoyed commenting on other classes blogs. It allowed me to see how different writing styles can be and showed  me from a teachers perspective what to look for when critiquing another person’s writing. This in turn helped me become a better writer. I feel like it made the blogging experience more enjoyable. I personally feel like I am doing more than presenting a argument when I write a essay, but also entertaining my reader.  Interacting with other blogs created the sensation that others were reading my writings as well, and not just for the purpose of receiving a good grade.

 How was writing to some one in another class different then commenting on a classmates blog?
 It was different because I could not see the other person. They were not watching me, waiting for me to post my comment so they could see what I thought. It allowed me to focus more on judging the work based on criteria, and judge it more objectively with out taking any personal feelings into consideration.

 Did trying to critique some one elses work  make you more confident that you know the criteria for a good summary?

 Definitely. In martial arts, the student becomes the teacher, and vice versa. It is a cycle that continues as long as you wish to learn martial arts because you are consistently looking at the same thing with a different perspective. It hones your skills and promotes growth. This is a useful tool for learning, and it worked great for writing.

 Area of reflection of your choice: What else would you like to share with us?
When I came into this school, I had quite low expectations.  Based on what I heard; I didn’t expect the teachers to be nice, care about the students, speak proper English, or treat me with respect.  I didn’t go to high school so my perception of school was based on here say. From my experience with the registering process, this did not seem that unlikely. Now that I have attended school, I can say that I am pleasantly surprised. I mean, I’m sure I will encounter mean, pompous teachers who don’t treat students with respect, but I’m glad they aren’t in this cluster.  

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