My Blog List

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog 5, super. mega, ultra brainstorming session:

 Potential topics:

 - Elvis Presley - Changed rock music. Incorporated sex appeal, and crossed over into movies. He became a icon for decades.

 - Jimmy Hendrix-  Was the first musician to experiment with tone, and overdrive effectively changing the way conventional guitar was heard and paved the way for modern musicians.

 - Howard Stern - Coined the term "shock jockey" by airing explecit and often perverse material on the radio. Angered millions while entertaining millions. Was forced out of public radio due to complaints so he moved to private radio (XM) and has since then inspired others to fight against censorship.

 - Ted turner- Created CNN. First cable television network.

What is the importance of the topic in the evolution of mass media

  It is important because tommorows innovations will be based off of yesterdays breakthroughs. We must realize that there was a deeper history to what is presented infront of us as every day norms in order to further evolve.

What kind of position will you develop in the paper?

  I will develop a realistic, and accurate portrayal of Howard Stern and his influence on the radio and the public.  My personal opinion of him is not the most positive, but nearly every one in the modern world has heard of him, and there in lies the reason why he is so famous.

What kind of sources will be available and what will be the best sources to use?

 There was a movie made about him, the internet has countless entries, as well as a long list of people who have crusaded against him. There is a broad range of opinions about him and I can't wait to present mine.


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